The MITAK staff have many years of experience in process analysis and the evaluation of soil hydraulic data on different scales (laboratory, lysimeter, field, catchment area). They can provide support in process education and will continue to work on the development and improvement of targeted measurement methods and the evaluation of processes in ecosystems.

The present methods and research results were largely developed by the MITAK staff at the Research Center for Soil Fertility (FZB) in Müncheberg and its successor institution at the Müncheberg research site, the Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). MITAK continues to come up with innovative methods and equipment for implementing future goals. This takes place in cooperation with other research institutions and medium-sized companies. Thus, the HYPROP (HYdraulic PROPerty analyzer), currently the world’s leading measuring instrument for the determination of hydraulic characteristics, was developed in cooperation with the Meter Group AG Munich (Dipl. Ing. Georg von Unold, Dipl. Ing. Thomas Pertasek), the Technical University of Braunschweig (Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Durner), the Technical University of Berlin (Dr. Andre Peters) and the FZB / ZALF / MITAK (Prof. Dr. Uwe Schindler).
Full-text versions of most of the following publications, and more, are also available at or can be requested from the authors.
Main areas of our application-oriented research
- Developing efficient and environmentally friendly fertilization strategies in laboratory and field trials
- Propagating soil fertility microorganisms
- Developing a model for sustainable agricultural land use
- Developing and comparing measurement methods for soil fertility and yield potential
- Developing and improving methods for analyzing the soil water balance in the laboratory and field
- Developing monitoring methods for analyzing water and matter flows in ecosystems (agro-ecosystems, grassland ecosystems, wetlands)